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Welcome to SPECFLOW

This application is meant to transform portions of synthetic spectra (100 Å to 500 Å) into simulated observations to compare them with observed spectra.

To achive this, SPECFLOW allows to perform a convolution of the synthetic spectra with a rotation profile, an intrumental profile and a turbulent microturbulence velocity profile, and to doppler shift it according to the radial velocity of the star it is meant to represent.

Through the tab "Observed spectra", you will be able to:

  • select a star, retrieve its parameters from a query to SIMBAD and the catalogs in Vizier
  • select the temperature, metallicity, gravity and microturbulence velocity from the results of the Vizier's catalogs query
  • select and observed spectrum of the selected star from the TBL database or upload your own spectrum
  • store the selected spectrum into the VOTPSPACE for further plotting (with VOSPEC or with a local display device) and/or downloading

Through the tab "Synthetic spectra", you will be able to:

  • select a range in temperature, metallicity, gravity and microturbulence velocity according to the results of the Vizier's catalogs query
  • search the POLLUX database for high resolution synthetic spectra corresponding to these parameters or upload your own spectra
  • convolve portions of the selected spectra to transform them into simulated observations
  • apply the doppler shift associated to the radial velocity of the star selected in the "Observed Spectra" tab
  • store the resulting spectra into the VOTPSPACE for further plotting (with VOSPEC or with a local display device) and/or dowloading

Please connect to the VO-tool of your choice to further visualize your data